Something has to be done, for us with a huge disadvantage..
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OXEN wrote:
Hello my fellow D12 players,

I have a small issue with being color blind.

For all you who dont know about this, (no I don't see everything in black and white, even though I wish it was that simple) more or like I mix colors together with each other which can be crucial to winning and not giving someone else the win!

It also takes time, when time is ticking.
For example when you have to count troops, go through log to figure out where opponent is located..

The colors I mix up the most are green/orange green/yellow yellow/orange(depending on backgound color) and also babyblue/pink.

Yes its frustrating! I still get my wins, but I truely believe that I would get more if not for this defect..

I don't think Iam the only one with this problem. So if anyone else is out there with same problem, please share your difficulties and maybe the admins will do something to help us! :)

Yes I spoke with Vexer last year and he said something would be done, like when hovering with your pointer over selected area the owner of that place info would pop up next to pointer, if I understood it correctly.

I had an suggestion which would maybe more simple, instead of cricles maybe diffrent shapes would do it like:

Iam not saying its the best one just a temporary solution maybe...

If you wish to test to see if your colorblind there are plenty of sites online but here is one I suggest:

Also, do you really want to win against someone with a handicape?? Could you be able to sleep at night, watch yourself in the mirror and live with it! Its like punching a person with glasses (not that you should punch anyone, just saying) But Really, could you?
The worst must be when a guy with a handicape beats you, hehe yes Iam that guy... By supporting there will be less humaliation for you guys ;)

THank you for taking you time to read and I hope for your support and change!


Best Regards/


I'll make you an offer you can't refuse D12..

If I can donate, I would like to do so if it would help to speed up the process! ;)

urgul wrote:
Oxen, I give you my full support
-as a setting that can be turned on/off... sorry but I really don't want all of d12 to go through a change....

peace out
The_Bishop wrote:
Well, that's a problem. But I don't think there are so many color blinds.
Giving different shapes marker I think would be long to program and I am not sure how it would be nice to see.

I know a risk site that allows you to change the colors of the players in the game as you like, so that everybody can see himself with his preferred color and set the colors that he thinks are more easy to see for his opponents. It would be nice also because people wouldn't biker anymore for having their preferred color. But also this I think it's an hard job to program.

The simplest idea that I have in mind, without changing so much the site as it is, is for me to use the highlighter function. I mean the function that Matty programmed that highlights the territory corresponding to the card. Let say when you click one name on the player list then every territory owned by that player it would be highlighted for 3 seconds or so. I think it can be useful not only for color blinds because everybody when set a kill wants to be sure to not blunder any territories and sometimes I saw it to happen.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Vexer wrote:
I think the hover idea would work better for the color blind but the highlighting feature may be better for others.

If I knew how to do this It would have been done long ago. I know very little javascript and spend most of my time in php.

This one will wait until Matty or Cireon are interested in doing it and have the time.
Matty wrote:
The only good ideas I know for now are these:
- When you hover a mouse over a circle it will tell the colour name (eg: "orange" ).
This is pretty easy to do actually, the hard thing is to make it an option (which I really want), but only because I haven't done that before.

- Different shapes instead of circles.
This is going to take longer to implement, simply because I'll have to make the shapes in all sizes and colours etc.

- Highlight all: completely new idea, but pretty smart :)
I should be able to do this actually, but I'll have to change some things as the current highlighter only works for one territory.
Also not sure where to make the highlight button (maybe the little triangle behind the names?)

Edit: we can have both hover and highlight.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
The_Bishop wrote:
Whoops, I thought to put the function on the player names but I didn't evaluate that they currently are links, since it doesn't work. But I think the colored triangles are okay, or even the rectangles up on the right (no scrolling needed!), or even both.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
OXEN wrote:
Wow guys thanks for your respones! I wish I was a programmer, then I would help...

You guys have more knowledge off what is easiest way to do it!

Thanks yet again, for taking your attention to it! :)
OXEN wrote:
Also Bishop just to add around 8 percent of males, but only 0.5 percent of females are colorblind in the world.. hehe


Still 8.5% of the worlds population are C-B which is hell of alot of potential players :)
Matty wrote:
@The Bishop, I think with these rectangles you mean the cards, that doesn't sound logical to me :)

The triangles might work, but its not that logical that you can use it, and I have no idea how someone will ever find out he can use them unless someone that has read this thread tells him ;)

@OXEN, we have seen and discussed this problem before, nut sure why nothing has been done than, probably because noone could find the perfect solution.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
The_Bishop wrote:
@Oxen - Oh, really? Well, I didn't know that statistic, I am really surprised...
But I knew that the females' look was more piercing!!

@Matty - No, not the cards, I mean the colored rectangles up on the right in the game interface. They are a bit small, but at least one doesn't need to scroll the page. As for giving the information I think you can substitute the alert line that state that 5 cards are required to turn in. But really I don't think it will very necessary, just as it wasn't for the card highlighter, I guess.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
OXEN wrote:
@Torchitall - Good to hear I am not the only one!

@Matty - Thanks man your awesome for taking you time and effort to solve this, during this world crises :P

@Bishop - It's not that bad, everything is more sharp when looking through our eyes. No really, I have worked as an Director of photography for 6 years and a camerman 4 years before that. Never have I had issues infact it has made it easier to work with light and contrasts to my advantage and the focal depth of field is sharper as well... When colors are on top of or next to each other they change or or look alike but you will still see the reflection! ;)
Matty wrote:
Everything should work now, was more difficult than I thought in the end ;)

@Oxen: If ppl stop helping one another this whole crisis thing will never be solved.

@Bishop: True, I think just the names will do fine.
I like the card highlighter though.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Vexer wrote:
To enable the hover color label click on Account, then on the left, Account Info and change Color Blind Settings from No to Yes.

Nice work Matty.
OXEN wrote:
So nice!!!! U guys are the best!! Never thought it would get done this fast!

As I said I'll make u guys an offer you guys can't refuse!

Big present coming ur ways, soon!!